Thursday, July 9, 2009

Major Economies Forum (MEF) Advance Text of Agreement

The UK Guardian paper has received and published an advance text of the MEF agreement in L'Aquila.

If anyone had any doubt as to whether REDD and international forest carbon is on the main countries' agenda, it is the only specific mitigation that is mentioned in the first point of the communique. It also clearly marks out space for reducing emissions and enhancement of sequestration in forests. Here's the language:

"We will take steps nationally and internationally, including under the Convention, to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and to enhance removals of greenhouse gas emissions by forests, including providing enhanced support to developing countries for such purposes."

In other areas, the text uses highly ambiguous language on the overall goal for international collaboration. "We recognize the scientific view that the increase in global average temperature above pre-industrial levels ought not to exceed 2 degrees C."

There was also a strong shout-out to the Mexican proposal on funding.

There was one key date (November 15) for "lead countries" to report on action plans and road maps and to suggest recommendations for further progress. (Note - this could be an important date if the suggestions are coordinated; in other words, this could be a powerful opportunity to inject some clarity in the the final lap of UNFCCC talks).

And at the end, thankfully, the group said it would be meeting over the coming months in order to "facilitate agreement in Copenhagen". Phew.

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