Wednesday, February 9, 2011

CIFOR's Lou Verchot: REDD+ Dance Analysis

The analysis hyperlinked in the blog title is a solid overview, although TFG does not quite have the same take on Cancun. While there was remarkable progress in Cancun on REDD+, negotiators fell short of creating an actual REDD+ Mechanism. There was agreement on key parts of REDD+ and decisions to consider other mechanisms, but for now we still have no actual entity within the UNFCCC on REDD+ that can start operating.

Lou is right that more and more pieces are falling into place. The decisions in Cancun were a very good indication the UNFCCC will eventually do something soon on REDD+, provided either larger issues (legal nature, commitments, MRV, finance) can be resolved or REDD+ gets some blessing to move ahead without a total package (as happened with the Adaptation Committee and the Green Climate Fund in the Cancun Agreements).

The latest version (with apparently still a few typos) of the Cancun Agreements are here:

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