Friday, November 30, 2012

Big Breaking REDD+ News! - Joint Statement from UK, Norway, US, Germany, and Australia

TFG  had heard rumors for the past few hours that this was coming, and here is a link and a joint pdf statement.  This was released just as negotiators entered what could be the final few hours.

The urgency of tackling climate change is clear. We agree to continue our efforts to address climate change and recognise the need for increased mitigation ambition in the period to 2020, with a view to doing our part to limit the increase in global temperature below 2oC above pre-industrial levels, consistent with science. Significant reductions in emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries before 2020 will be critical in this context. Accelerated action on REDD+ has significant potential to contribute to climate objectives while securing co-benefits for rural economies, providing ecosystem services, contributing to poverty reduction, and fostering the rights and livelihoods of indigenous peoples and local communities.
We have made some good progress on REDD+ to date, based on the decisions of Cancun and Durban and various multilateral and bilateral partnerships. We recognise the need to maintain momentum to move to implementation at scale, and the potential to work together as we move ahead. We are committed to practical action to show that REDD+ can work at scale, with benefits for developing countries and the global community.
There are different ways of achieving REDD+, but there is a need to ensure our respective efforts are working together towards our common aims. In that context, we together resolve to:
1. Continue to support developing countries to build readiness and capacity for REDD+.
2. Support efforts to transform the supply chains of the commodities that put pressure on the forest. We welcome the commitments and initiative of the Consumer Goods Forum in this regard, and stand ready to contribute in various ways.
3. Explore options for scaling up demand for verified emission reductions from REDD+ up to 2020.
4. Demonstrate – analytically and on the ground – the contribution that REDD+ activities and results can make to fostering rural green growth, securing livelihoods and implementing low emissions development strategies.
5. Work together to coordinate our REDD+ support, and explore opportunities to collectively support the implementation of REDD+ at scale, for example jurisdictional REDD+ initiatives that address readiness, supply chains, and payments for verified emission reductions, and to demonstrate good examples of how forests can play a key role in a green economy and low emission development strategies.
6. Support the further work of the REDD+ Partnership to catalyse an enabling environment for effective REDD+ implementation and information sharing.

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